Molalla Pioneer

Not everything fits in the newspaper.

Divided city council chooses administrator

4-2 vote offers top city job to John Atkins, Jr. from city of West Linn

By Joe Wilson
Molalla Pioneer

Wednesday night the Molalla City Council ended months of searching, speculation and waiting by choosing a permanent replacement for former city manager Gene Green who left to take a job with the city of West Linn a little more than five months ago.

The council voted 4-2 to offer the job of city administrator to John Atkins, Jr., who currently works as the community services coordinator for the city of West Linn, Ore., a job he has held since 1993.

Before that, he was the assistant to the mayor of Beaverton, Ore. from 1987 to 1993. That was his second job with the city of Beaverton. From 1985 to 1987 he was the city’s municipal relations officer.

Prior to working in Beaverton, he was the press secretary and legislative assistant to former U.S. Representative Les AuCoin who represented Oregon’s 1st Congressional District.

He worked at a number of Oregon newspapers before his post in AuCoin’s office.

Councilors Deb Leighton, Glen Boreth and Jim Needham and council president Mary Jo Mackie voted in favor of hiring Atkins.

Mayor Tom Foster and councilor Danna Jacober were the two dissenters. They both favored hiring Mike Clarke, the current interim city manager and former mayor.

Mayor Foster offered the job to Atkins on Thursday morning, contingent upon salary and other negotiations and Atkins tentatively accepted the offer.

Foster said he would like to have the permanent city administrator on the job by July 1.

The mayor said it was a very tough decision to make.

“This was an extremely difficult choice — one of the toughest ever. All of the candidates would have done a fine job for us,” he said.

The city contracted with the League of Oregon Cities to find, investigate and recommend the candidates.

Mike McCauley, executive director for the League, said the city followed the same path as many other Oregon cities of its size by using the resources of the League.

Molalla spent about $6,000 with the League to conduct the search and background checks. For comparison, he said, the city of Hillsboro, Ore. recently used the help of a Californian search firm for about $18,000 and as much as $8,000 in travel reimbursements and other expenses.

McCauley said Atkins performed work similar to a city manager while working as the assistant to the mayor in Beaverton. He supervised multiple departments and operations, according to McCauley.

“He’s got a good solid 22 years of responsible municipal experience,” said McCauley.

Also on the list of candidates were: Mark Gervasi, who is the current city manager of Tillamook, Ore.; Chad Olsen, who serves as the city administrator of Rainier, Ore.; Tim Johnson of Sacramento, Calif., the former executive director of the Yuba-Sutter Economic Development Corporation in Yuba City, Calif.; and Clarke, who has been serving as the interim city manager since Green left in mid-December to become the public works director for the city of West Linn, Ore.

52 Responses to “Divided city council chooses administrator”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Did you know that one of the councilors failed to attend the interview session for the first three candidates but felt that he could make a decision based on input from other councilors which did not include input from all councilors? Did you that two of the councilors had a personnel agenda not to hire Mike Clarke and they did whatever they could to discredit him and not allow him to perform his job well as interim City Administrator? Did you know that Mike Clarke has endorsements from citizens of Molalla, a Judge and the Molalla Fire Chief to name a few? Did you know that one councilor was mad because Mike got a letter of endorsement from the Clackamas County District Attorney? Did you know that the decision not to hire Mike by three of the four councilors was made prior to the City spending $6,000.00 of tax payer’s money because of their personal agendas? Do you know that only the mayor and only councilor really listened to the wishes of the city staff and respected them?

    I recommend you go to City Hall ask to see a copy of the City Council meeting held on May 23, 2007 and see how unprofessional and hateful some of your councilors are. Ask yourself why councilor Boreth brought up getting rid of Mike Clarke that night by not wanting to renewing Mike’s contract for 90 day and wanted to put a department director in as acting City Administrator. Then ask yourself why Councilor Leighton raised her voice and answered Mayor Foster’s question that was directed to Councilor Boreth about him being in negotiations with a department head. If this was not a preplanned option how would Councilor Leighton know the answer and why did she raise her voice responding to the question.

    Fellow citizens I must confess I am outraged at the action of our city council. I to have spoken to my neighbors about hiring Mike and though they realized that Mike did not have all the training required, they felt that he would be good for the city and the staff would do well by him.

    I encourage you to attend the next council meeting June 13 at 7:00 p.m. at the Molalla Senior Center and express your views. Watch your councilors in action as they try to make their own rules for the benefit of themselves as they tell you that it’s for the good of the City  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    City Council and Mayor,

    I'm very saddened to read that your selection was not for Mr. Mike Clarke for City Administrator. A long-time citizen, teacher, coach, volunteer of the Molalla community with previous City Council and Mayor to add to his resume. An individual and applicant with the best credentials when it comes to having knowledge and history about the City of Molalla. I know you couldn't find another individual that bestows as much passion, leadership, community relations, values and ethics, labor relations, long term planning and setting goals for our great City. It's a sad day in Molalla when the Councilor's that were once his peers; voted him in as the Interim City Administrator, have now stabbed him in the back after he gave up his career as a teacher at Molalla River Middle School. Shame on you.

    Now, onto another topic. What is Councilor Leighton doing by organizing and publishing Town Hall meetings? What a rogue thing to be doing. It is my understanding that Councilor Leighton is one of 6 on the City Council. However, by her recent actions, you'd think she was a one woman show and maybe putting herself in line for Mayor. I'd like to know since when has it been the responsibility of the citizens of Molalla to provide information into what we'd like to see in the City Administrator position? Is that not the job of the elected Council members through setting goals and conducting evaluations?

    I truly hope that the entire City Council reevaluates their roles and responsibilities and remind themselves who voted them in and who can recall them out.  

  3. # Anonymous Anonymous


    What a sad loss for the citizens of Molalla when Mr. Clarke was not selected.

    Our new City Administrator will now have at a minimum one year learning curve building relationships with all those citizens, NGO's and public officials that have worked hard for the city. How far back in these relationships have we now fallen because of ego's a few councilors?

    Mike Am sorry that you were not hired, you have done well representing the City in all your endeavors.

    I hope you run for Mayor again in two years!  

  4. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Once again we have a "good old boy" mentality going on.
    Mike C might be a great guy but, that doesn't make him qualified to do the job. Atkin's sounds more qualified. Mike Clarke quit his teaching job on his own accord. I know I wouldn't quit a full time career in teaching to take on a "temp" career in a different field, inless some good old boy had promised me the permanent job.  

  5. # Anonymous Anonymous

    How very sad it is to see good city councilors who are actually trying to make a difference in this town be publicly "assaulted" by such hateful words! There is a very strong negativity in the city offices towards a few councilors, and why? Because these few councilors actually decided on a QUALIFIED person to lead our city.
    Shame on all of you who bad talk these individuals who spend more volunteer hours than any of you! They are at least doing something. If all the people who decide to complain, and bad talk the city councilors would actually volunteer their time to help make decisions for the community, instead of creating negativity, this town would be a much better place!
    So next time you want to complain about the volunteers, please think before you speak. Or better yet.... VOLUNTEER YOURSELF!  

  6. # Anonymous Anonymous

    To the person concerned about Deb Leighton current "town hall" meetings. Since when is it a negative for a councilor to seek the views and priorities of the people she is representing. As a citizen, I am thrilled to find a councilor who is truly trying to reflect my opinion. It appears she is doing this on her own time as a way to "hear from the people". I respect a councilor who takes time to try to understand what is truly important to the people of Molalla. Do you truly want someone representing you that does not care what your opinion is?  

  7. # Anonymous Anonymous

    And just what makes you think your better than anyone else and that we don't all volunteer our time to the city in many different areas. Perhaps it is YOU who should think before you speak counselor Also, I would think the city hall people WOULD be upset, I know I certainly would be. It's obvious that there are a couple counselors that are power hungry, attention grabbing trouble makers.  

  8. # Anonymous Anonymous

    While some of you may have to hide behind “Anonymous” I choose to take the higher road and let you know who is saying what about whom. My name is Michelle Helmig. I am going to start off my very long response by responding to a few of the blogs that have been written so far.
    As for the “good old boy” mentality, Mike Clarke is a very good man but as for not qualified for the city manager position, who are you kidding? If he was good enough to be voted in as mayor, by the people, what makes him not good enough to be city manager? If he was qualified enough to be voted in as the interim city manager what happened that didn’t make him qualified to stay on as the permanent city manager? Answer those questions with an actual answer, on why Mike is not “qualified” and then maybe we can talk. Mike quit his job as a teacher because he felt that it was a responsibility that he could not walk away from, when the city was going to be without a manager. I feel that is commendable. He took a risk, quitting his job, you are right about that. You were also right in saying you wouldn’t have “unless some good old boy had promised me the permanent job.” It just goes to show you how much some people’s word is worth. Unfortunately Mike is a man that trusts his fellow people, did the best he could with what little you gave him, came out on top in every aspect of the job, and then got *&^%#$@ over. The only fault Mike had was trusting his fellow co-workers. In my opinion the only reason Mike was not hired, is council will have a better chance to due away with a few key members of city staff, with someone who is not well versed with how the city works.
    As for the shame on us for assaulting “good city councilors”, I think you use the word good very loosely. I would like to know if you have seen city council in action. Take this for example. I was raised with the mentality that actions speak louder than words. In the last city council meeting I brought up the fact that city council is viewed as “dysfunctional.” Shortly after, a conversation between the councilors arose on how they should approach filling the vacant position on council. It was Mayor Foster that said he had some people through word of mouth say they would volunteer their time. Councilor Leighton said it should be done through a vote and open to the public. She also went ahead to say that these conversations shouldn’t be happening through email and opened to the public. After which she slammed her pencil down on the table in a temper tantrum. I don’t want a “child” representing me, or at least I should say I have not seen any grown adults at my board meetings throw a temper tantrum. As a manager myself, if my staff ever pulled a stunt like that, they would be looking for work elsewhere. This isn’t the first time that I have seen this happen. I think that disagreement and discussion are what are supposed to happen during a council meeting and that is how you come to a decision. It seems to me that they feel discussion is what is supposed to happen and disagreement is alright to have, unless it is themselves that are being disagreed upon. But what is funny is how email is not a good means for Mayor Foster to communicate and make decisions but earlier it was said that a “few” council members had been emailing each other and had made a decision. Why is it a good means for some but not others? It has also been brought up that Councilor Leighton raised her voice and answered Mayor Foster’s question that was directed to Councilor Boreth about him being in negotiations with a department head. How could one Councilor answer another Councilor’s question unless they too have been in negotiation with staff? Makes me wonder if the vote for or against Mike was not predetermined and they were looking for another solution.
    I also do not like being accused of not volunteering my time to the community. I for one volunteer my time in a lot of ways. I, unlike others, have done my research. I do not falsely accuse. I only speak of what I see and what I have heard with my own ears. Before you accuse myself, or any of the people of the public, for not volunteering their time I would find out who you are accusing before you open your mouth.
    I would respect a councilor who takes the time to find out what is truly important to the people of Molalla. However in my opinion I do not view public meetings held by one councilor a good way to represent the public as a whole. Is that not what a city council meeting is for? It was also said at that meeting that Council was aware of these meetings. That is a down right lie. I know for a fact that Council as a whole did not know about the meeting until it was posted in the paper where in a staff member told Council that this was taking place. If certain councilors were so willing to get the publics views and opinions, why is it that the views of the volunteers they had come in to help with the interview process, for the city manager position, not taken into consideration? Here we have people of Molalla volunteer their time to help with this process and nothing they had to say was taken into consideration. Also why is it that only one councilor took time out of their day to hear what the staff at city hall thought about the candidates? I think that the staff of the city should have had a HUGE say in who they thought would be a good manager. After all the city manager’s job is to manage the administrative process of city hall. So if there are members of council that truly want to see what the public views are I feel that we should have a city wide meeting on the qualified candidates for the manager position and see what the public thinks. After all council is the one that decided that during open session was a perfect time to bring up internal HR issues. Now that the public has been brought into this I feel we should have a say and start to question the views of our representatives.
    Maybe it is because I have not lived in this town for very long that allows me to approach these conversations with an outside point of few. As a business woman I truly can not believe the actions I see when at the council meetings. As a townsperson of Molalla words can not explain my feelings of how things have been happening. I know that we can not go back and re-do things we have done in the past but I for one know that things can be done from here on out.  

  9. # Anonymous Anonymous

    It's hilarious that againyou are insinuating that only the "counselors" (check your spelling...) would comment. Very sad indeed. I would have you know I am not a councilor, but a citizen, who has seen first hand the great job these people do. Move on with your negativity, it's only making you look ridiculous at this point.  

  10. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Welcome to the world of politics!!! A few councilors who actually stand up and go against the flow, are getting crap and for what? They are only doing what they feel is best. People, you can't please everyone, but it seems the people you don't please sure have a lot to say after the fact.
    What's wrong with Councilor Leighton putting herself out into the public? Isn't that what a city representative should be doing? In fact, City Hall should be applauding this behaviour. A person willing to get involved with the public, whether good or bad, is someone I would certianly want to represent me.
    It just shows you what kind of people there are in Molalla. Those who are willing to put themselves out into the middle of the people they represent, and those who merely holler and yell, creating a scene when they don't agree with how things end up.
    I would like to commend all the councilors, for the time and effort they put into making our community a better place. Remember, it's not just one vote, but the majority vote that determines the outcome. Now that another position will be open on the city council, I wonder just how many "complainers" will actually have the guts to submit a letter of interest in position.  

  11. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Some of these comments I hear are ridiculous. There are some councilors that have a personal problem with Mike. How can you as a councilor be doing the right thing for the entire city when you are an emotional head case and only voting on your own personal issues with Mike. Mike is another example of a quality person stepping up to help this city and getting the shaft by our council. If there is a recall petition going around I would love to sign it. I am tired of councilors in this town making decisions based on what benefits or revenge they can get the most. Typical of this Council. For the four that did not give Mike your vote it is sad for you that you got caught up in this political B.S. that two people started. I have attended a couple of Council Meetings and maybe a few of you should have made it less obvious of your problems with Mike. It is pretty sad when this community can tell you 3 Councilors that absolutely are not going to vote for Mike before any interviews were even done. Is this how we run the city. With this council obviously it is. I think there are a few of you council members that should have a hard time looking yourself in the mirror and sleeping at night. Get rid of the personal vendettas against people and start making decisions that are best for this town. If you are too emotional to do this then you should step down.  

  12. # Anonymous Anonymous

    First off I'm not a councilor. Michell Helmig, you come to one council meeting and you know it all. As far as the "Good old boy" mentality, Major position is an unpaid position, a people position. City Manager is a management position. There is a big difference. Mike Clarke may be qualified, but Atkin's may be MORE qualified. Tom Fosters "word of mouth" for the open council position, for an elected council position is undemocratic. Councilors should be elected to the position by the people or by a council majority. "Good old boy mentality" is not for a growing city. It promotes favoritism. Maybe council has good reason to question Mike Clarke's ability to do the job, after seeing him in the position for 6 month's, or some other reason's that you the citizen don't see. City positions should be based on ability rather than "who you know".  

  13. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I will always defend that the democratic and American way is for all to voice their opinion, with no repercussions. But when the discussion takes a turn the way this blog has taken, then I would say it is now non-productive. All this has become is finger-pointing, he said - she said. Where is that going to get anyone? No where, except maybe regretting what they said later on. Sure, there have been some valid points made by each response, but all I will add is this..."If the Mayor and City Council conducted themselves with the utmost honesty and integrity from the day Mr. Green resigned through to the day Mr. Atkins was offered the job, great. But if they have any thoughts they conducted themselves with a smidge of personal conflict or dishonesty then it truly is a heartbreaking day for the city and citizens of Molalla."  

  14. # Anonymous Anonymous


    Apparently it took only one meeting to find out how dysfunctional this city council is. Mackie is as ignorant as they come, she votes for things that she not ten minutes ago vetoed. Leighton wants to be the ring leader. She pushes people around like she knows what she is doing. PLEEEEZ.. I've never seen such unperfessionalism. Why would Leighton want to get rid of Mike Clarke. Could it be that she has a personal vendetta? Why not address that to her. This council cannot decide on any agenda put in front of them. Instead of making decisions on their own they drag the attorney in over and over again. Who do you think is footing that bill?

    Mike Clarke is a wonderful human being. How can Molalla let these two idiots destroy him. Why bring in a stranger to do what Mike Clarke already knows. I pity the next guy that comes in to take his place. How would you like to come into this mess.

    I, just like the other messages here urge you to attend the meeting on the 13th and take the time to check out the video from May 23rd. Check it out for yourself and see how these people run YOUR city. I do applaud Councilor Jacober. she's the only one on the council with a brain and a heart.

    If there is a recall I will be first in line to sign. I also urge the citizens of Molalla to do the same.

    WHY IN THE HELL would any normal thinking person hire someone with out any knowledge of this town. Mike Clarke loves Molalla and Molalla loves Mike Clarke. He was trustworthy enough to be Mayor and interim for 5 months, but what the council is saying is that he's not right for the job.

    Let's protect the City of Molalla and get Mackey and Leighton OUT. Mayor Foster had it right "This is an example why the citizens of Molalla thinks this council is DYSFUNTIONAL.  

  15. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Then you can know that this is indeed a heartbreaking time for Molalla because it's true that they have had nothing but deceit in their hearts from the beginning of this so-called city administrator search. I used to have great and high respect for the more. Perhaps the community needs to do a little more detailed research on the candidates. Mike was and is the true leader of this city and has thus far done an incredible job, particularly considering the short leash that the council has given him for leading. I pity the new administrator coming in as he's walking right into a hornets nest and how long will it take for Leighton and Mackie to get him in their back pockets. I pray he will quickly see through it. Your right, if they had honesty in their hearts and made the decision that would be one thing, but that was NOT the case from the beginning, I can assure you of that. I will not use hateful words as that gets nothing accomplished, but I certainly will voice my tremendous disappointment. This city is indeed headed for hard times. God bless each of you that stands up for what is right.  

  16. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Maybe the city staff is in such a mess do to lack of a proper city manager with backbone!
    Didn't know Mike Clarke could walk on water!  

  17. # Anonymous Anonymous

    There was only about 5 citizens at the last council meeting and I'm sure half of them wouldn't be writing this #$%^&. I believe some of these messages are coming from within the city staff, so keep in mind the people sweating the change are probably worried they will be seen for their true colors.  

  18. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Michelle Helmig----you seem very angry with Deb Leighton. Could this have anything to do with the recent termination of Dave Helmig? According to the Molalla Pioneer "Deb Leighton had criticized Mike Clark for hiring Helmig without approval from the city council". It looks like you might have a personal agenda of your own.  

  19. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I disagree with the comment about Mike not having a backbone; I believe that he was given a very tight leash by city council and that a few councilors made known as early as January that they did not want him in as interim City Administrator even though he was unanimously approved by council. He knew that he did not have full support of council to do his job. Boy that's got to suck, being hired and knowing that you have to walk a fine line because two or three councilors would do whatever it took to discredit him and get him fired.

    No one said he was God either; he’s just one of the many things that are good about Molalla. What a great ambassador for our City!

    I think the other person is right people being seen for their true colors, though I don’t think it’s staff that has something to worry about, I believe that it’s some of the City Councilors who need to be worried.

    Did you know that the last council meeting was on cable last night? So maybe some of these comments are being written by people who watched the program and are angry about what they saw.

    I did not read any personnel attack by Michelle to Councilor Leighton there was only three sentences regarding Leighton and the rest was regarding the council and Mike Clarke as a whole.  

  20. # Blogger City Staff Member

    Ok, let me point out that yes, I am a city staff member. I have not been very involved in the whole process with the hiring of the new city adminstrator. That is my fault.

    I can tell you that the process was flawed. I can tell you that we paid $6000 dollars of our city budget to find the best canidate, yet we didnt adhere to the process.

    I will not complain about who was hired, he may be a great leader. I will complain about HOW he was chosen.

    I think there has been employees, council, and citizens on both sides of this issue that were decietful and unkind.

    My only wish is that Mr. Atkins is given a fair shot, and everyone's support.

    If you want to make a change, dont just talk about it, do something about it.

    Peace to all of us in this city.  

  21. # Anonymous Anonymous

    No one said that Mike Clarke walked on water. It was stated that the man has morals. I cannot name one person that does not love and respect Mike. I just wanted everyone to know that if/when you come in to listen and watch the video that was held on May 23rd, you may also want to take the time to also listen to the one where Mackie says during the hiring process "I want to know if he is married, GAY or what? What is that??? Does the woman have any scuples? Are we to assume that Mackie is homophobic? If you are GAY, does that mean you can't do the job?

    People for the betterment of Molalla, please get Mackie and Leighton out. For the Love of your city.  

  22. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Its over can we please move on already.  

  23. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Move on you say? It's not ok to allow this council to brush it under the rug like everything else, people are not happy and we should stick to what we believe in. If it were you, wouldn't you want someone to stick by you if you were in the right and had been publically hung to dry so to speak. It's not right! This city will not forget these actions. I know I certainly won't. Maybe we should call it "City Hall....the new MCC". Let's dump people just because and bring in someone we can manipulate. That is my opinion.  

  24. # Anonymous Anonymous

    If it's so important to you I guess we will see you at the next city council meeting.  

  25. # Anonymous Anonymous

    First of all I won't remain anonymous and I am not scared to express my opinion even though my wife Danna Jacober sits on the City Council. I have listened to her frustrations and what has been going on in our city government and as a citizen of this city for 15 years I am appalled. Instead of a City Council working together there are certain power hungry members that want to control every aspect of City Operations. It is incredible to me that Councilor Mary Jo Mackie can threaten a city employee with their job and not suffer any repercussions. Or make a comment of wanting to know during the hiring process of the city manager if the applicants were married, gay or single, again without repercussions. And why does this continue to happen? Because these same power hungry members continue to drag their feet on adopting rules governing their conduct that my wife has supported and that other City Councils have put in to place. Meaning these same power hungry members can continue to harass and annoy city employees that they don't like and make unethical decisions making fools of themselves and the city that they represent.  

  26. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Many of the city staff, have much to be desired.  

  27. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I've sent in the following as a letter to the editor of the Molalla Pioneer. I hope everyone can agree.

    It’s Time to Come Together

    Last week the City Council made one of the most important decisions they will make as an elected body – they selected John Atkins as our new City Manager. Many people were disappointed that Mike Clarke was not selected. I personally have supported Mike in his endeavors with city government since he first ran for Mayor in 1995. Everyone who has been paying attention over the years, knows that Mike has done a great deal for our community. However, a majority of the Council members obviously found that Mr. Atkins was more qualified than Mike to take over the leadership of our city at this time. That’s how our representative system of democracy works.

    Mike Clarke is a man of honor and integrity. I know that he will get behind the new City Manager and help in the transition. It’s time for all of us to do the same. It’s time for us to move forward to make Molalla the best city that it can be.

    Alice Ericksen,
    Retired Superintendent of the
    Molalla River School District  

  28. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Deb Leighton for president !!!!!!!!I think I moving to the dark side.  

  29. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Deb Leighton for President! I second it!!!!!!!!!  

  30. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I still think the public should recall Leighton and Mackie.This sounds like high school stuff to me.They did not listen to what the public wanted and knew Mike would do a great job as he has in everything he has done.He has worked his butt off for the town of Molalla since he moved there and only has had their best interest at heart!!! As far as Leighton having her own town meetings that's a joke... Why would you think she will listen to what you have to say as she didn't listen to the ones from the public who sat in one the interviews. I've known of her as a back stabber for many years. GO FOR THE RECALL.  

  31. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Deb for President... another joke... As for Mike supporting the new hire he probably will because that the kind of person he is. I sure wouldn't let Mackie and Leighton train him. They seem to know everthing. I'm with the public, recall Mackie and Leighton.  

  32. # Anonymous Anonymous

    If the new administrator brings in fresh ideas, fair hiring practices, and leadership skills the City will be better off...I do not believe this was being accomplished. In other words, "the Tribe has spoken, you have been voted off the island".  

  33. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I'm glad I was told of this online discussion after seeing last weeks meeting. As a member of the public of whom the councilors represent, I would like to ask a few questions to a couple of the above mentioned councilors, in hopes they will will have the backbone to address these questions, since I have heard first hand that they are both monitoring this blog.

    To Mrs. Leighton...

    1) What's with the tantrums during the council meetings when someone doesn't agree with you. I havn't had the "pleasure" of seeing it in person, but they are seen quite vividly on tv. Slamming down your books, pens, papers or whatever else you may have in your hand at the time. very professional.

    2) Do you really think that having meetings in local restaurants without informing all members of council what you are doing is a smart political move? hmmm...

    3) It seems any issue you have with certain people, you take action through a third party instead of dealing with the issue directly. Why is this? If you would like me to post specific examples, please ask... I would be more than happy to.

    4) Why were you overheard after a particular meeting promising a job to another employee if he loses his at the pool. Do you really have the power to do that? Isn't that something that needs to be voted upon by the ENTIRE council?

    To Councilor Mackie...

    1) It has come to my attention that in a public meeting to discuss the hiring of a new city administrator, you made the comment to the effect "I don't want no homos". Is this true? If so, we have a SERIOUS problem in our city. Please reply to this one in particular and tell me what you were thinking when you made this comment Mrs. Mackie.

    2) How are you able to justify voting for things that you have vetoed no more than 10 minutes before hand. Is your memory really as bad as it appears to be?

    3) Are you aware that you are being led around like a puppet on a string by another power hungry councilor (as mentioned above). If she said to jump off a bridge, would you?

    Again, this citizen of the city of Molalla DOES NOT want these types of people representing me, nor do others. It's time to take a stand and do something about it. This whole thing has gone way too far and it's time to remove the poison that has filled the veins of this community. If any of the councilors would like to reply to any of the questions I asked above, please feel free. I'm sure others would love to hear the answers as much as I would. If you would rather coward behind the privacy of email, let me know and I will email you directly from the city website in hopes of an answer.  

  34. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I think we should talk about real problems, like the uncontrolable growth. I think we need as the public need to be able to vote to annex new property into the city growth boundry like Canby does. Instead of letting city staff do it. Zoning property on main street for condos/ townhomes doesn't seem to smart. Look across the street from the Hoffman house. We need a traffic signal at the main intersection 211/molalla, You wonder why nobody stops downtown, everyone drives around it. We need New stores, all we have now are feed stores, bars, food, cowboy wear. What good does downtown do unless your a cowboy, or hungry? Come on people, we need to grab control and help make a change. Before the city staff decide it for you. City staff won't resolve these problems until we demand it.  

  35. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I think the school district should help keep the Aquatic center open. They refuse!  

  36. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Unfortunately, with the councilors that are in power right now, you won't see that kind of change unless it directly benefits their personal beliefs and agendas instead of the communities. 2 of the councilors are bullying the others into voting for their personal agendas (fact), so unless Deb pull the strings on her little puppets, nothing will change at all... unless of course it benefits her personally, then Deb will throw another little tantrum by slamming down her papers and books, scream during a meeting, make personal attacks on anyone that disagrees with her, or otherwise making promises and abusing power that she doesn't rightfully have... request to see the tapes of the last 3 council meetings if you don't believe me. Mary Jo is just ignorant in the matters and follows Deb's puppet strings, so it's not entirely her fault.  

  37. # Anonymous Anonymous

    please tell me how you can benefit as a volunteer?  

  38. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Stop hiding behind this anonymity, you big chicken. I don't see you at city council meeting making formal complaints.  

  39. # Anonymous Anonymous

    When did the Council become devided? Perhaps when Gene Green left, this is one good example why the interim manager was not a good fit. If anyone thinks they can do a better job on the council maybe you should run for the vacant position. As for councilors being puppets, who's fault is that? The good ol'boy system has gone on long enough, when was the last time a job opening at City hall was posted to the public?  

  40. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I have to say that this blog has started to prove a lot. First of all you may have only seen me at one council meeting but I watch council meetings when it is aired. In some truth I am angry that my husband was terminated due to facts that should not have been brought up at a public meeting. That is what executive meetings are for. However, it did cause me to voice my opinions. I am not angry with Deb Leighton for power housing the council into a decision; in fact I am not angry at all. What I feel is ashamed. I am ashamed for moving to this town on my husband’s wishes; moving to a town that he spoke so highly of. Then having his own people stab him in the back because it made a very easy road for council to attack Mike Clarke. I can tell you that watching a man’s pride of working for a city, his family and himself has spent all of their lives in, get crushed is not an easy thing to do. Before you start accusing me of having a personal agenda maybe you should know some of the facts. The discussion of this having to do anything with my husband is irrelevant. It may have led to my involvement but has nothing to do with my thoughts of council. Being involved with government on a daily basis and also a long family history of city involvement with my father, I have learned a thing or two. I know what is deemed unethical behavior and over stepping government bounds. As a human being I can also interpret and read between the lines. I pride myself on being intelligent enough to make my own decisions and strong willed enough to not allow personal issues to cloud my professional judgment. I agree with everyone on here that has said we need to stop talking and do something about it. That is exactly what I intend to do. My whole intent was to get the cities involvement in the matter and to either confirm or deny my interpretation of council. I am thankful for doing it because it allows me to see other citizens’ points of views and justifies future actions.  

  41. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I find it amusing that someone writes "Stop hiding behind this anonymity, you big chicken. I don't see you at city council meeting making formal complaints" then does not want to name themselves. From their tone my guess this response came from one of the council members named in these posts. Some of these posts are probably coming from concerned city employees. It is really too bad that they have to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation.  

  42. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Dan Jacober your wrong, I'm a citizen looking from the sideline.

    Like you said, I'm sure some are coming from city staff also. I think retaliation is the wrong word, punished for slander and defamation of character is more appropriate! The City staff making the remarks about council in this forum should be fired!
    Concerns with council should probably be taken up with the city manager. I wouldn't know, I'm not staff.  

  43. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Why won't you say who you are then??  

  44. # Anonymous Anonymous

    City staff should be fired? For what? Going to work each and every day worrying about whether council's next target is themselves? Trying to help the public with their utilities and questions while making sure that they have their back covered at the same time? You know what fire them. Fire them all. I'll gladly pay for the legal fees to sue the city for wrongful termination. Then we'll see the public go in an uproar when all utilities and taxes go threw the roof to pay for the millions of dollars that they would have to pay out. I am NOT a city staff member, rather I am just a resident and I think you forget that city staff are "the public" as well. They can voice their opinions and have a say in how their city is run. I think it is a shame that the people that work for our city have to do it in such turmoil. You may want to become more familiar with your legal terms. Slander is when you say anything about someone that is not true. Defamation of character is ruining someone’s character from FALSE statements. Reading this blog from start to finish the people who are against the way council is running things, has produced valid points, nothing being stated falsely. On the other hand the people who are for the way council is running things, have not rebutted one question raised in this blog, however have just posted useless statements such as "Many of the city staff, have much to be desired." If the opposing side would give examples, suggestions, or backup to their claims maybe we could start to fix some of the problems.  

  45. # Anonymous Anonymous

    My response to "Dan Jacober you’re wrong, I'm a citizen looking from the sideline". Then why be anonymous? City staff has a right to their opinion and should not have to fear retaliation for expressing it. Does it make any sense that a city employee should be fired for expressing their opinion and a council member can harass and annoy a city employee without any repercussions? That’s why a set of council rules have to be put in place to govern their conduct so city employees don't have to worry about it. Short of committing a crime there is basically nothing to govern council member behavior. The City Manager works for the City Council. They are hired, fired and evaluated by them. The Mayor is supposed to be in charge of the City Council and needs to be supported by rules to investigate and sanction any council member who steps over the line. What some of these council members have done is to create a hostile work environment. Can you say lawsuit?  

  46. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I am also part of the staff at the city, and I just want to say that in all the years that I have been with the City I have never not wanted to come to work....until now. Its not the best feeling in the world to get ill just thinking about coming back to work after a weekend not knowing what will happen next.  

  47. # Anonymous Anonymous

    oh do please tell me "give examples" of councilors threating the jobs of city staff. please  

  48. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I know what slander and defamation of character is, I just haven't seen any evidence, which makes it a false statement. Remember innocent until proven guilty.

    Not just anonymous hearsay  

  49. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Hey public, did you know city staff members are giving themselves 16% pay increases. But we can't afford to keep the aquatic center open. WOW!  

  50. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I am tired of all the B.S. of he said she said going on in this town. We have more important things to be taking care of, such as our parks and rec plan and the comp plan. We need to refocus on the issues at hand and not the backstabbing and bickering. We have a new city administrator as approved by the majority of council. I may not agree with the choice but it has been made. The personal vendettas of certain city councilors needs to stop. I believe that if it does not then they should resign and save themselves the embarrassment of being recalled. To the person that asked about having guts to run for city council I HAVE THEM! I will be putting my name in the hat.  

  51. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Yeah, why is city plannng spending hundreds of thousands and getting nowhere with the Comp Code, park and Rec. plan, downtown master plan, city zoning, and such? They used to have meetings and then they all stop and the community hears nothing.
    I still think the city public should have the vote on annexing new properties into the urban growth boundry like Canby does. That way the citizens of this town can have an influence on the growth in this town.  

  52. # Anonymous Anonymous

    I just wanted everyone to be aware that comments must have a name associated with them to be posted to the blog.

    Everyone has very good comments to make and we want everyone to have their say, so we are going to adhere to the industry standard on news blog postings.

    Other news blogs, such as the one in use by the Oregonian, have such a requirement.

    I filed a posting that explains the policy in more detail and shows how to post your name with your comment:  

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