Molalla Pioneer

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Councilors say recall attempt is payback

Council recall petition cites discrimination, misuse of funds and harassment

By Joe Wilson
Molalla Pioneer

It’s all about getting even. That’s what Deb Leighton and Mary Jo Mackie, two Molalla city councilors facing a recall attempt, are saying about the reasons behind the effort.

Dave Helmig, the husband of Molalla resident Michelle Helmig, the recall’s chief petitioner, was fired May 11 after a debate about his fitness to work in the city’s planning department after city staff learned he was a convicted felon.

“I believe this (recall attempt) is in retaliation of the termination of her (Michelle Helmig’s) husband’s employment with the city,” Leighton said. “I just asked the information of the department heads about the process (of Helmig’s hiring). I had no knowledge of his record. It was not personal.”

Leighton added that she had no foreknowledge that Mayor Tom Foster was going to fire Helmig.

“He (Mayor Foster) did that on his own accord,” she said.

Council president Mackie agreed with Leighton that Michelle Helmig’s actions are simply to get back at her and Leighton.

“Would this be going back to when her (Michelle Helmig’s) husband was fired at city hall? I would imagine this is in retaliation for that,” Mackie said.

Helmig denies seeking a recall of the councilors based on her husband’s employment termination.

“I really would not be stupid enough to put forth a recall on a personal agenda,” she said. “It would go nowhere. This is not a personal attack.”

Foster said that a recall election is tough on a city.

“I think a recall is a terrible thing for a community to go through. I’ve been through them before and it just tears the community apart,” he said. “However, sometimes it’s a necessary recourse and I’m not saying that in this instance it is necessary, but if this is what the people want to do then so be it. The public is speaking.”

The recall petition for Leighton lists three reasons for demanding the recall: misuse of city funds, overstepping scope of authority with administrative matters and conduct unbecoming of a city councilor.

Helmig said she included misuse of city funds because she alleges that Leighton called and emailed the city attorney on numerous occasions, costing the city legal fees, despite an order from the mayor that all communication to the city attorney go through him to save money.

“That’s a little alarming to me. It signifies a personal agenda. She was acting on her own,” Helmig said.

Leighton denied ever misusing city funds.

“I have no execution authority personally to spend city funds — it has to be approved by the city council,” she said.

She said the petition’s claim that she exceeded her authority was not valid.

“Simply asking questions as a councilor during a city council meeting is my scope of authority and I have not overstepped any authority by only asking simple questions of the city staff,” Leighton said.

She said she was unaware that her conduct could be construed as unbecoming of a city councilor.

“I feel that I have done my best in representing the city and its citizens,” she said.

The recall petition for Mackie also lists three reasons for demanding the recall: incompetency, discrimination and harassment of city employees.

Helmig said Mackie harassed city employees by getting angry and yelling at them at city hall on at least one occasion.

“There have been direct threats from Mary Jo to city staff members,” she said.

Mackie said the claims were nonsense.

According to City Recorder Melanie Maben, Helmig has 90 days to collect 328 Molalla voter signatures on each of the separate petitions for the two councilors. That number of signatures is calculated to be 15 percent of the total number of votes cast in the city of Molalla for all candidates for governor at the last election at which a candidate for governor was elected to a full term.

If the number of signatures are gathered successfully, then Clackamas County’s elections division must verify that the signatures are valid within 10 days of receiving each petition.

Then once the signatures are verified, the councilor named in each verified petition has five days to either resign or submit a statement of justification that affirms their decision to face and accept the results of the upcoming recall election, according to Maben.

By state elections law, a special recall election must be held within 35 days after the end of the five-day councilor-response period. The results of the election must be certified by the county within 20 days of the election date, according to Clackamas County Elections Division.

If a recall vote is successful, the councilor is removed from office immediately after the results are certified. If a councilor resigns at any point in the process, the seat is vacated immediately.

Leighton said that to make matters even worse, she believes that since chief petitioner Michelle Helmig is city recorder Melanie Maben’s daughter-in-law, a conflict of interest exists because Maben is the municipal elections official who is overseeing the recall petition process. Dave Helmig is Maben’s son.

Foster said he is not surprised about the recall effort because there has been “talk on the street” about this happening. He said that as the mayor, he cannot publicly take a side in the debate.

“It’s not news that there has been a tremendous amount of turmoil in the city council in the last six months — a tremendous amount — and in city hall,” Foster said. “If this is what it takes to bring that to a head and get our city back to the way it’s supposed to be, operating in a civil manner, than that’s what we’re going to have to do.”

Mackie’s comment about her outlook on the upcoming debate was short and to the point.

“Oh boy, this is going to be fun isn’t it?,” she said.

6 Responses to “Councilors say recall attempt is payback”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    It's interesting that Michelle Helmig is doing all this. Where's her husband Dave Helmig. Why are you having your wife fight your battles?
    That's besides the point. It wasn't until Dave Helmig got fired that there was any question of the council's ability.
    I find it troubling that Michelle Helmig has acquired information of behind closed door meetings and events that supposedly happened in city hall. She must have inside information---could it be from her mother-in-law Melanie Maben?
    I think the city should be questioning whether Melanie Maben's conduct has been acceptable. Is it acceptable for the city recorder to disclose things she supposedly hears in a executive session meeting?
    As far as the city funds being misused. Mayor Foster didn't make that public statement about not contacting the city attorney until the last city council meeting. After the Fact. Plus, he never stated that Ms. Leighton was contacting the attorney. If Ms. Leighton had, how would Ms. Helmig know that without having inside information.  

  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    This has nothing to do with a personal agenda. I was not "fired" from City Hall, I was hired as a contract employee to complete a particular project. Once that project is completed, so is the contact. Learn your facts before posting allegations Mr. Coffman.

    Misappropriation of City Funds to the attorney has been discussed prior to Wednesday's council meeting, by others as well as the Mayor. Wednesday was the first chance the Mayor had to publically inform the councilors that it must stop. Regardless, the misappropriation of city funds has been happening by the councilors. That's a fact, and public information, which is just one of the many reasons for the recall. Ms. Leighton misusing her power in administrative matters and publically violating Oregon Budget law is also an issue. Why should she be allowed to execute power that she does not legally have? The citizens of the City are fed up with the power hungry attitudes and blatant illegal practices that these two councilors are performing. It doesn't matter who blows the whistle, the fact is what they are doing is illegal and immoral. If the community does not feel the same way, then collecting around 400 signatures would be an issue then, wouldn't it? If 400 signatures are collected, then it's pretty obvious how the community feels.  

  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Mr. Coffman,
    I would like to inform you that you don't have all your facts. In the first place, I am the most honest employee and human being you would find. In the second place, I would never disclose anything from executive session. Anything that could have been said is completely public information, nothing more and nothing less. Furthermore, there has been trouble brewing within the council before Dave left his position as a contracted employee. Each citizen, I.E. Michelle stating her opinion is just that..."her opinion". Molalla is a small town, any natives know that we for the most part are related in one way or another, Molalla's natives have small branches on their family trees. Did you know I was falsely accused of losing a letter of interest submitted for a council position and that all related paperwork should then go to the Mayor. reality the so-called accusation of such an action was totally false. Come to find out it was on the secretary's desk, which she never got around to submitting to me. I have tried to keep a low profile on the recent events and continue to "take it". But Mr. Coffman, you need to know more facts, gather information from BOTH sides. I will not go into further details as I do not find that professional, but trust me, there are many, many more details and information that you simply are not aware of.  

  4. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Well if I'm so wrong, call for a public meeting where all people can voice their "FACTS" and all the public can come and here. And where the accused can defend any actions that might be in question  

  5. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Ladies and gentlemen I am a lifelong resident of this area and I am fed up with all of these accusations. Inside information from executive sessions,retaliation for firing, and conflict of interest problems. Anyone can question or look at city expenses it is public record so are emails related to city business. Mr Coffman you seem to be creating quite a stir over these issues and adding alot of fuel to the fire. There is one current spot open on city council is your name in the hat? I know mine is because I want to make a difference. I believe all you want to do is create more problems. If you do not like the way this city is ran then run for council. If you do not want to do that then shut up or leave. My comment to Michelle Helmig is this: If you feel that what you are doing is right and just then full steam ahead. You have the legal right under the constition of the United States. Thank God that we are free to choose. Good luck to all involved and may the voice of the people be heard.  

  6. # Anonymous Anonymous

    The councilors named in this recall effort need to stop hiding behind the retaliation excuse and face the fact that their behavior as city councilors is unacceptable. Like I have said in a previous blog spot, my wife has sat on the council for the past two years. She joined the council hoping to help make Molalla a better place for all of us to live. As her husband and a citizen of this city for the past 16 years I have discussed her frustrations with dealing with these certain individuals and I am appalled that anyone like them is in our city government. Some may say that it is politics, but this is not the type of politics that Molalla wants or needs. In some instances these two individuals went above and beyond their scope of authority. But without rules in place that govern their conduct that other city councils have adopted and my wife has tried to get approved the Mayor has no control over their behavior. And now, not surprisingly these same individuals want to fill the current vacant councilor position with someone who does not like certain rules the city has established and has had run ins with city hall over them. What does that tell you? This will only create more havoc within the council. Why are these councilors dragging their feet when it comes to adopting these rules? If this recall effort is successful, so be it. If it is not, I hope it is an eye opener for these two individuals as well as the other council members that the public will not tolerate this type of behavior.  

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