Molalla Pioneer

Not everything fits in the newspaper.

News blog comment policy

It has been a long-standing policy of the Molalla Pioneer to not allow anonymous letters to the editor based on a few very good ideas.

First, that a conversation between anonymous writers is usually unproductive and at best, gets nowhere fast because nobody knows who they are talking with.

Second, that if someone believes in something enough that they’d take the time to sit down and write a letter about it, they should believe in their ideas enough to sign the letter.

And third, that if writers have to sign their letters, they might employ the discretion needed to not later regret what they wrote.

Since it’s inception, the newspaper’s news blog has allowed anonymous comments about the stories and photos filed there. Going forward, most of the same rules that apply to letters to the editor will apply to online comments. Commenters will at least have to leave their name.

To sign a comment, just click on “Other” and type your name. If you click on “Anonymous” or just leave the name blank, the comment will not post to the site.

Thank you for reading the news blog. We hope to keep it full of interesting content that is worth commenting on.

-Joe Wilson

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